Maple Lane’s Summer in Paris
Call Name: Paris
Maple Lane’s Summer in Paris
Call Name: Paris
Multigenerational Australian Labradoodle
Paris lives with her guardian family in Harleysville, PA. We’ve enjoyed having Paris visit while her family is enjoying a vacation, but no one can tell you quite what a dog is like but the family who loves them. Here is what Paris’ family has to say. “It didn’t take long for Paris to steal a piece of our hearts! Her playful disposition provides a constant source of entertainment and laughter for our family. Her signature move is running excitedly around the coffee table, leaping up and down from the sofas. In addition to being playful, Paris is really smart and has mastered many skills including sit, lay, come, roll over, paw, hug, and high five. She even seems to have a built-in alarm clock to help alert us when our daughter’s bus is soon to arrive. While she’s very excited to see our daughter home from school, she’s even more excited to greet the bus driver who provides dog treats! Yes, Paris LOVES treats. She will do anything for a treat and will instantly be your best friend if you give her a treat. Her playfulness, smarts, and overall disposition make Paris the best dog we’ve ever owned. We wouldn’t trade her for the world.
Birthdate: 7/9/2020
Color: BBee, S/Sp, at/a, Kb/Kb
PennHip - L .3/R .34
OFA Hips - Fair
OFA Elbows - Normal
IC - Clear
EIC - Clear
DM - Clear
PRA (both types) - Clear
vWD - Clear
OFA Basic Cardiac – Normal
OFA/CAER Eyes - Normal
Size - Large Mini/Small Medium, 16”
Weight - 24 pounds